Guide to Balcones Heights

Reputation: The Crossroads of San Antonio. Main Drag: Fredericksburg Road. Lowdown: A small, pear-shaped city at the intersection of Loop 410 and Interstate 10, Balcones Heights is considered the by many to be the crossroads of San Antonio. It’s a lively destination that’s home to the aptly named Crossroads Mall, the Norris Conference Center, the massive Super Target, TexSan Heart Hospital and a variety of other new, large businesses. The jazz festival that takes place here annually is not to be missed, as is the annual Cowboy Breakfast, a one-day event that draws over 60,000 people. Another great thing about Balcones Heights is that it has its fair share of nightspots for after-dark enthusiasts. Hotspots: Dave & Busters, Bunratty Pub, Graham Central Station, I Don’t Know Yet Lounge, Whiskey Smith, Bogey’s Club, Club Antro. More

Scenes from Balcones Heights
IMG_2651The sun on a dusty day2025Grp3Day1-0542025Grp3day1-015Mi Familia (My Family)A man is not called wise becauseUrban sunsrise
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