Guide to Castle Hills

Reputation: Calm, quaint and residential. Main Drags: Lockhill Selma Road and West Avenue. Lowdown: Incorporated in 1951, Castle Hills began as and still remains a largely residential area. There is an array of private schools in the area, making it a very family-centric neighborhood. Other organizations and associations that contribute to the small-town vibe include the Women’s Club, the Garden Club, the Castle Hills HOA and other committees attracting active community members. There isn’t much in the way of nightlife or things to do in this nice San Antonio neighborhood, but its location on 410 affords easy access to the rest of San Antonio and there is a nice selection of unique restaurants. Restaurants: Pappasito’s Mexican Grill, La Scala, The Lodge Restaurant of Castle Hills, La Fogata. More

Scenes from Castle Hills
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