Guide to Medical Center

Reputation: Where doctors, students and tourists find common ground. Main Drag: No small-town type of main drag to speak of, but the main artery is Interstate 10. Lowdown: With Six Flags Fiesta Texas, the University of Texas San Antonio and the South Texas Medical Center all located in this area, Northwest San Antonio is a unique setting where many aspects of life collide. This area is centrally located within roughly a 20-minute drive of almost anywhere in the city limits, making its abundant selection of townhomes, condos, duplexes and four-plexes a comfortable choice for families, students and Medical Center employees. Abundant restaurants yield an array of cuisine types for neighborhood residents to enjoy whether they’re on a college budget or a doctor’s paycheck, and there are several options for entertainment in the surrounding area. Hotspots: Fox & Hound Pub & Grill, The Irish Pub San Antonio, O’Malley’s Sports & Spirits, Hooligan’s Bar & Grill, Flying Saucer, Nice Rack San Antonio. More

Scenes from Medical Center
SangriasC-5 Galaxy flying overheadC-5 Galaxy flying overheadpet ratCremated deliverySt Patrick's Day 2025There's Always That One